Friday, May 25, 2012

Created vs. Creator

How often do we focus on learning about the created instead of the Creator? What more might we learn about ourselves if our attention shifted to the One who made time, space, earth, and dwells within us? Do I want to know more about me or more about God? The answer to that question is a  measure of how I choose to live. Am I more concerned with serving myself or serving Christ - accumulation or sacrifice? Do I fix my eyes on the present or the eternal?

How often do we focus on learning about the Creator instead of the created? What more might we learn about God if we shifted our attention to his creation and studied His masterpieces? Do I want to spend my life reading books and acquiring knowledge about God or do I want to see Christ at work in my own life? The answer to that question is a measure of how I choose to live. Am I more concerned with giving to Christ than honoring what God has already given - service or gratitude? Do I fix my eyes toward heaven or do I enjoy the gift of the present?

How often do we choose one or the other, created vs. Creator, putting God in a box or time with him on our "to do" list? What more might we learn about Christ if we listened continually to the Holy Spirit that resides in us? Does the choice have to be Jesus time vs. me time? What if Christ was my constant companion? The answer to that question is a measure of how I choose to live. Am I more concerned with trying to find time and space in my life for God or do I see God as active and present in all that I do and say? Do I fix my eyes toward religion or my friend Jesus?

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